The Races of Wograld
The Humans of Wograld are a very standard races, as you might expect.
Generic and resourceful, they see themselves as the core and most
populated race in the world. Whether this is true or not remains to be
seen. Human culture prides itself on its superiority to the other races,
frequently referring to the other races, especially orcs and undead as
monsters. Orcs and undead rarely seem to care how humans view them,
however, having their own cultural ideals. Humans see elves as a
delusional and wasteful people, far to interested in abstract concepts
like the beauty of nature to get things done.
The elves of wograld are long lived, aloof and in thier own words, the
most beautiful races. Stereotypically, elves devote long hours to
pursuits that would tire the more practical minded. They love beauty,
art, music, and nature. Elves tend to keep to themselves more so than
the other races. Orcs disdain them seeing them as weak, while undead
rarely concern themselves with elves. Elves do have a certain cariscma
and are well sought after adventuring companions.
The orcs are fierce, proud, clannish warrior race. They like to gather
in large groups. The opposite of elves, you will almost never see a lone
orc. For the orcs, the larger the grouping the better. What they lack
in supposed intellect, they make up for in numbers on the battlefield.
They are also, in the views of the other races, a rather crass and
vulgar culture, ripping up flower beds that have been set down, smashing
things, and burning them. What they do construct tends to be crude,
and more useful in a practical manner rather than as an object of
beauty. The exception can be seen in warpaint and armor denoting rank
and clan status. Those who love order can find a formation of battle
ready orcs a lovely thing to behold.
Undead are supposedly humans who have died, much as elvish legends say
that orcs are fallen elves who chose a brutal and short life. Undead
maintain that this is not the case, and that the goddess created them
first out of all the races. They tend to hang out in graveyards as well
as other eerie places, but can be found almost anywhere. Tending towards
neither the more solitariness of the elves nor the massive hordes of
orcs, undead. Undead care little for for obsessions with things such as
beauty and order, and least of all, humanity. While humans go out of
thier way to emphasize thier humanity, undead do not see thier race as a
large source of pride, but more as a fact of existence.
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